Dont fade the dead

SoDead is a Solana NFT project building the next big modern vampire franchise


Sodead NFT
Vampires on solana

Sodead continues to work to bridge the gap between web2 and web3 through our vampire-themed incredible art, powerful community, gamification, modern lore, and captivating content

SoDead is building a community-driven mainstream vampire franchise. We aim to bridge the gap between web2 and web3 through vampire-themed gamification, captivating content, modern lore, powerful community, and incredible artSoDead has built a strong community-driven mainstream vampire franchise over our years. We lean heavily into our art from our beloved artist Haizeel. Much of our utility centers around customization, either random or deterministic. Our art is what has kept our community so strong over the years and through our rugs. The community just simply refuses to give up and our art will continue to evolve!

A unique strength of SoDead is our vampire theme. Vampires have been an integral part of human folklore for centuries and have already stood the test of time. Vampire sub-culture and niches already exist outside of web3, which positions us well to bridge the gap and take our IP mainstream. Like vampires, we are eternal!

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SoDead the story

The original founders rugged...then the "derugger" rugged...but you can't kill what is already dead. SoDead 3.0 is now community-driven and unstoppable

SoDead originally minted in July 2022 as a 4,200 supply collection on the Solana blockchain. It was a very low cost mint at 0.069 SOL, which sold out instantly due to Haizeel's incredible art.

One month after the mint, the original founders did a mint for Chalices, raising 600 SOL. Immediately after this mint, they rugged the project and ran away with the funds. Somebody in the community took over the project to "derug" it, but unfortunately was no better than the original founders.

6 months after stringing the community along and making false promises, the "derugger" also rugged the project, after generating over $350K in royalties, leaving the community with nothing.

But you can't kill what's already dead! The entire community stepped up to keep the project going and we are now on a better path than ever before to turn SoDead into the top NFT project on Solana.

what is Customization?

Customization is a feature only for our Purified and Tribe vampires.

You are able to buy traits, using $VAMP, from our trait store to use on our Customization website to create YOUR perfect SoDead!

No two SoDead are able to look the same.When you use a trait, the old trait is then able to be used on another vampire. These recovered traits will be able to be traded on our peer-to-peer marketplace being built.

customize your vampire

The Blood Moon Raffle

Enter the eternal night where a coveted prize awaits. The stakes are high in the Vampire’s Raffle, where only the bold prevail.

Coming soon...

core team


Project Manager
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Community Dev
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Designer & Fronted Dev
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X Lead
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Phase 1


  • ✅ Seize ownership of Discord and NFT collection
  • ✅ Launch $VAMP token / LP
  • ✅ Mythic trait auctions

SoDead is now a community-driven project with a multi-sig wallet

Phase 2


  • ✅ Trait store & customization
  • ✅ Purification
  • ✅ Lady vampires
  • ✅ Staking site with GKD

Despite being left with zero funds from the original founders, SoDead raised over $20K in February through royalties, trait auctions, and donations to build our initial hunting game and tech platform

Phase 3


  • ✅ SoDead Shop
  • ✅ Coven Season Pass
  • ✅ SoDead Mobile App "DeadApp"

The Vampire horde grows stronger night by night. Nothing will stop the Vampires of SoDead, for we are eternal!

Phase 4

Sodead 4.0

  • ✅ Joined the GOTM DAO
  • ✅ Launch Relics
  • ✅ Launch ReVamp
  • ✅ Launch our SoDead Covenant and Bylaws
  • Deadbot optimization and marketing
  • Still under the veil of shadows
  • Still under the veil of shadows

The Coven of Vampires was called together for the first time in modern history to decide how to grow and bolster their ranks for the coming future.

Frequently asked questions

Join our Discord

The most valuable part of SoDead is our incredibly strong community... come hop in the Discord and hang out with all our vampires!

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